All works in this exhibition are for sale. Inquiries may be made by email (contact@nielsengallery.com) or by telephone 978.369.7071.
Joan Snyder Meditations of a Dark Field, 60 x 120 inches, 2013Harvey Quaytman Shade, 34 3⁄4 x 33 inches, 1980
Porfirio DiDonna Road PDN 9, 63 x 39 inches, 1983-84
Michael Young Stave, 23 x 20 inches, 1985
Dexter Lazenby Ricochet, 85 x 9 x 18 inches, 2008
Arthur Dove Fantasy, 6 7/8 x 4 7/8 inches, 1934
Carol Keller This absence that I cannot set down, 90 x 70 inches, 2013
Forrest Bess Sweet Potatoes, 14 x 16 inches, 1934
Bill Jensen Study for King Friday, 33 1⁄2 x 34 1⁄2 inches, 1987-88
Christopher Wilmarth Untitled W316, 22 1⁄4 x 15 3/8 inches, 1987
John Walker Untitled (no. 12), 24 x 18 inches, 2001
Sam Messer The Answer, 12 x 10 inches, 2002