Porfirio DiDonna The Shape of Knowing
Published 2013164 pages
John Baker
Forward by Deborah J. Haynes
Betsy Anderson
Publisher: Pressed Wafer (Brooklyn NY)
ISBN 978-1940396019

John Walker Seal Point Series
Published 2006130 pages (hard cover only)
80 color reproductions
7 b/w reproductions
Essay: Dushan Petrovich
Publishers: Nielsen Gallery (Boston) and Knoedler & Company (New York)
ISBN 978-09713548-2-1

John Walker A Survey: 1970 - 2008
Published 200864 pages (soft cover only)
29 color reproductions
Essay: Excerpts from 13 essays (including Jack Flam, John
Elderfield, Dore Ashton, Hilton Kramer, Carl Belz, Karen Wilkin, Katy Kline, Alexi Worth, Andrew Forge)
Publisher: Nielsen Gallery (Boston)
ISBN 978-0-9713548-4-5